Why Commentaries?

When growing up many of us often heard statements such as:

  • Don't rock the boat
  • Don't make waves
  • Never discuss politics or religion with friends or family
These platitudes have created generations of people who never question anything, who did not stand up for what is right, and who kept silent while loosing their freedoms and rights.

Rants vs Commentaries
By general definition rants and commentaries appear to be the same. However there are some significant differences between the two words.

Ranting is an expression of frustration or dissatisfaction about some situation, action or behavior of an individual. It is expressed with anger and repeated frustration over and over. Verbally a rant is usually shouted out with angry emotion. In writing, it is often displayed using words that convey anger and by bold text and lots of explanation marks.

Commentaries may include some ranting characteristics, however they have a different purpose other than to vehemently express frustration or anger.

Commentaries are used to:

  • cut through cultural barriers
  • clarify what may be written or said
  • provide interconnections between seemingly different topics
  • identify structures or themes yet to be explored
  • elaborate or extend the position presented
  • argue a position other than that originally presented
  • present a new and/or unique viewpoint on existing problems
  • draw attention to current advances and speculate on future directions